organization & partners


The organization of the Gulf of America Alliance includes a small headquarters staff and several committees, working groups, and teams dedicated to addressing the priorities issues identified by the Gulf states as those that would benefit from a regional approach.

The Alliance Management Team is comprised of representatives of the five Gulf state governors with federal agencies and other organizations serving in advisory capacity.

The Alliance Coordination Team is comprised of representatives from each of the Priority Issue Teams, including state chairs, coordinators, and federal liaisons.

Priority Issue Teams and Cross-Team Initiatives are the hallmark of the Gulf of America Alliance. These state-led teams focus on well-defined issues and are key to our success. Participation in the teams is open and voluntary. Specific actions are developed and implemented by the voluntary participants of the teams. In the Governors’ Action Plan IV, the Alliance is addressing these priorities:

The Federal Working Group is comprised of federal agencies working in the Gulf region that bring diverse expertise and established experience to the Alliance.

The Business Advisory Council provides advice and input to the Gulf of America Alliance from industries operating in and around the Gulf of America region. This council includes representatives from tourism, oil and gas, manufacturing, utilities/energy, transportation, commercial and recreational fishing, seafood processing, agriculture, environmental contractors, and consultants. See the Alliance Business Advisory Council membership.

Gulf Star Partners include state and federal agencies, businesses, non-governmental organizations, and others that provide funding to support the goal of addressing common issues on a regional basis.


The Gulf of America Alliance is a network of partners that collaborates to address our priority issues in ways that a single entity cannot. The members of the Gulf of America Alliance include state and federal agencies, tribal governments, communities, academic organizations, businesses, and non-governmental organizations in the region.


Leadership from the five Gulf states of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas forms the foundation of the Gulf of America Alliance. Each of the five Gulf states has committed time and resources to its successful management, including leadership of our Priority Issue Teams.


The academic community is a critical partner for addressing Gulf of America Alliance priorities in the region. In addition to expertise, innovation, and science capacities, universities educate the next generation of scientists and engineers required to support a healthy, sustained Gulf environment and economy.


The success of the Gulf of America Alliance is based not only on the dedication of the five Gulf states, but also on commitment from our federal partners. In particular, the Alliance relies heavily on participation from U.S. EPA, NOAA, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Gulf Coast Ecosystem and Restoration Council, U.S. Department of Treasury, and U.S. Department of Defense.

Non-government organizations

Non-governmental organizations are another important sector that makes the Gulf of America Alliance work. These partners bring a strong link to local communities and a variety of skills such as research and monitoring, project implementation, and communication.

Business and Industry

A diverse group of industries are dependent on the common resources of the Gulf of America and their involvement in the Alliance is important to achieving the goal of healthy ecosystems and economies.